
Oacian Overview

The element of water is embodied by Oacians. They are zealous patriots, perhaps to an unhealthy degree. They find themselves completely devoted to their culture and ruler. Although they have a lot of negative characteristics, they can change their ways.

Water is constantly flowing and transferring; it only stays the same once it is kept and enclosed by something else. A base depth of 100 feet of wild water should be present in these natural environs.

Crythpool, their capital city, is primarily located on the seafloor; nevertheless, pieces of it are located at higher and lower depths of the water. On a little island near the shore, there is indeed a ground interchange facility.

What Are These Oacian Species and What Do They Do?

These are aquatic organisms with the capacity to travel both on land and in water. When they’re not swimming with their tails, they stroll the ground like any other Valk or Dex.

They require a body of water in any living place in order to avoid drying out and remain comfortable. They can’t be out of the water for too long or their skin will become dry. They’re normally chilly and damp when you touch them.

Some have plates on some parts of their bodies, similar to blotch on humans. Cool colours of bluish grey, dark grey purples, and sea greens will appear on their skins. From either side of their heads, Oacians have two holes drilled.

Oacians live in their ocean zone, but they can also be discovered in larger bodies of water. The open water depth in these ecosystems must be at least 100 feet. Crythpool, their capital city, is mostly located on the seabed, but portions of it are located at various depths in the ocean. On a little island near the shore, there is a boat faring commerce entrance.

Who is in charge of the Oacians?

These species are control freaks who are loyal and competitive. To a fault, everything. Despite the fact that they revere Queen Merlina Lympha de Saevus, she makes all the decisions.

Because of her particular mistrust of the other four kingdoms, her word is law, separating her people from the rest of the world. Other countries perceive her as a dictator, but her people are raised to reject such regulations because the one person who cares for them would be their one true ruler.

The population, on the other hand, consider her as their one genuine wonderful example. As a result, they act in the same way she does because that is what is expected of them. They are aggressive when it comes to collaborating with other species, and they solely care about their existence.

They, like their queen, are very vain, with egos so big that they can no longer be restrained by the ocean of uncertainty in which they live. They are deceitful and are just interested in maximising their advantage from any scenario.

Their commitment, though, is unwavering, their enthusiasm unfathomable, and their love for their country unwavering. Others may wish to quit their societies and strike off on their own. The Oacians find power in numbers and their society.

Their Culture

They live in a world surrounded by fish and sea life, but that’s also what they might be. Oacians always seem to be the depiction of mermaid and a type of animal in that line of thinking.

You wouldn’t expect a donkey to devour a horse, would you? Shellfish, on the other hand, do not truly fall under that group. So I kept the menu primarily vegetarian, with a few lobster and crab dishes tossed in for good measure.

By essence, Oacians are high performers. This means that everything else from the design of their cities to the management of their personal space must be flawless. These species, like Valkirians, place a premium on cleanliness.

An Oacian’s everyday activities include properly washing scales, brushing out damp hair, and scrubbing fins. Furthermore, food must be well cleaned. It is a serious insult to feed someone dirty food. Because their society is so unhealthy, these despise disease and illness.

Their insignia is a droplet, which represents their status as the second race and the components of water. The motif of a lotus blossom coupled with a scallop shell adorns their banner. A flower that floats on the water and resembles their symbol, as well as a marine creature, both of which are common in Oacian cities.

Although their fish-like anatomy, nonetheless spends time on the ground directly. These are authorised to visit regulated above-water coves for just some moment in the limelight and to stretch their legs.

Departing these sanctuaries and authorised areas without authority, or attempting to leave the towns without permission, will result in a lifetime expulsion or, in certain situations, a full-fledged retrieval of information. To prevent political conflict, other kingdoms will normally refuse to accept an exile.

The Attributes

Leaving certain inlets and permitted territories, or attempting to depart their metropolitan centres without a licence, will result in a lifelong ban or, in rare cases, a full-scale search and rescue operations mission. To avoid a political conflict, other realms will often refuse to accept their pariah.

The number of different species that call the water home is unknown. With rising ocean temperatures, contaminants, and other challenges plaguing many marine ecosystems, some oceanographers believe the number of species is dwindling.

In any event, marine biologists may be in for a lot of positive surprises in the next few years. It’s possible that more than 90% of the sea’s creatures have yet to be discovered; some experts estimate that somehow there are anywhere between.

A few hundred and fifty thousand dollars and 2.3 million dollars more to be found. Contemporary scholars know over 226,000 marine species. Marcello Calisti, a Nat Geo Researcher, spends his time learning about the ocean floor and the rest of the sea.

He is indeed a bio robotic expert who is developing an undersea investigative vehicle that uses “legged velocity,” which is inspired by the way an octopus travels underwater. His long-term goal is to design robotics that can probe depths that are difficult for humans to attain.


Along these lines, the sea has a tremendous impact on people’s and other living forms’ climate, temperature, and food supply. Despite its immense size and impact on the survival of all living forms on the planet, the sea remains a mystery. Over 80% of the sea has never been planned, researched, or even seen by humans.

The landscape of the planet and the planet Mars have been prepared and analyzed at a much higher level than our oceanic depths. This is everything about the species, and the article has all of the essential knowledge.

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